Friday, 23 November 2012


This is a survey we created as part of our primary research with what people like the most and what is more popular in the different age groups. This survey was targeted to people between the ages of 13 - 25.

videos that inspired me ...

Before deciding what song to use i looked at various videos and artist like for example:

Leona Lewis - Come Alive

This videos is simple as its the acoustic version plus it tends to go into a love song talking about how she sees when he comes to live. This was an inspiration as Leona Lewis goes into love songs mostly and her videos are mostly calm with some sort of soft colours.

Beyonce - Halo

Beyoncé’s video of Halo is a very simple video this including the makeup and everything. Beyoncé is letting us know in this video that the man is everything to her and that she had walls built up and he didn’t even have to try to put them down. That they have

Adele - Turning tables and One and only

These two songs are very meaningful speaking from the heart, the speak for themselves.   These songs inspired us because Adele speaks about love and things that may have happened to her. She lets you inside a relationship with love and a relationship full of pain that needs to end before anything worse can happen. This inspired us because ‘River’ is about love.

Adele - One and only

Kelly Rowland- Keep It Between Us

This video is showing a couple in love, taking pictures of each other in a café and in different places, this was one of the ideas that we had for our video to have the couple taking pictures of each other and together to make  it look more romantic yet playful between them.

 Ludacris -Rest Of My Life ft. Usher, David Guetta

Trey Songz - Dive in

Trey Songz - Never again

In this video, the scene with Trey Songz at the top of the steps with the camera rotating inspired us. This scene would go well with our music and the concept we have chosen. To achieve the same effect that the music director created, we could re-enact this scene at Trafalgar Square. As there is a scene where Trey Songz takes a picture of the girl in the music video. This also inspired us too. We might recreate this

Leona Lewis - Trouble

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Location Report and pictures :

Location Report and pictures :

In the Music video 'river' by Emeli Sande I will be using different locations.

 I am  going to use the basketball courts at Turnpike Lane. We plan to do a couple of scenes here.

 Finsbury Park is another possible location as i find the pond very romantic and a good place to take a quiet scene.

Finsbury park has a beautiful view of a pond that has swans, this is a great chance of getting a romantic view of a couple so we might be using this location.


Alexander Park has an amazing view both at sunset and at night. If possible i am looking to take some shots here too



Winter wonderland is our main location as we plan to set the main scenes here. Winter wonderland has the perfect places to go with someone very close to you or aloved one therefore you are able to spend time with them and cherish what you have due to the little markets and rides and the Magical Ice Kingdom that sets a romantic scene.

This is a stage/platform at Westfield Stratford that caught our attention when we were looking around. we are planning on doing the singing scene here where Cadiesha will be acting as Emeli Sande singing to "River" This is were most of the lip sinking is going to be.


First Draft Film treatment For Emeli Sande 'River'

First Draft Film treatment For Emeli Sande 'River': 


The music video to Emeli Sande 'River' has many meanings and everyone has a different approach to it. My interpretation of the lyrics is that the song is talking about a girl who is in love with a man that is either too shy or too busy trying to find 'the sea' meaning something to get him to be well known and possibly successful. The girl tries to help him find his dream/success so that hopefully after he had gotten his aims he could notice that she was in love with him.

Friday, 9 November 2012

I have look at my performance of last year and have gone through what i know i can do well and what i may need to work on and practice more this year so i have set myself some targets for this year to make sure i get a good grade and do well.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Hello and welcome to my Media A2 course where i will be researching on producers,  making a video of a song that has not had a music video previously. Hope you enjoy reading and keeping up with my blog.