Friday, 1 February 2013

Done So Far...

Filming and plans:

So Far Cadiesha and i  have been filming in Central London, taking many shots with the cast and making sure we have the locations we intended to take the shots in. During this time the lyrics of the song have been studied more and more into depth and we have come to a conclusion that rather than Cadiesha showing Serry the way we would make it the other way round as he has his basketball aims working and he is on track with what he wants and aims to be in the near future. He could help and lead Cadiesha in the right track of choosing what she wants in life. We plan to make him lip sink and possibly show Cadiesha that there are always hopes if your aims are strong and your hard work is done too. We will have flash back scenes of a time where they were together 
I have created a mood board containig pictures of the internet and social networking sites. The landmarks
I have created a Mood Board with pictures from the Internet and Tumblr. These are the the pictures that inspired me and quotes from the song 'River'. On the left are the location we originally wanted to film out music video at. These are famous landmarks in London. On the right hand side are the casual costume that are now in fashion now. We decided that the Music will be film in this era but will be in black and white, therefore our costumes are up to date with the current trends in fashion at the present moment.